For movers, travelers & migrant-settlers from islander diaspora, home is a constant state of arrival. This somatic videopoem journeys through the elements of earth, water, fire, wind. Moving images were filmed while traveling across Visayan islands, Philippines (2018-2019) & from ancestral abode on Bantayan island during 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. The quotidian reality of quarantine life becomes a projected landscape for interior somatic experience, deeply rooted at the site of body as home & memory.
Music remixed in collaboration with Rosie G.
Part II (Tubig) exhibited at "Panlantawon," Byay Hubahib, Bantayan Island, Cebu, Philippines (November 2020)
ADTO TA: LET'S GO (2019)
Translating a bodywork practice influenced by Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, Philippine Hilot, Somatics, Reiki, the movement meditation guides an exploration through elements of earth, water, fire, wind & ether shifting skin across space-time. Blending moving repertoires & sacred rhythms from Visayan islands, Philippines to Lenape islands of NYC, the embodied journey honors elemental roots in the healing transformation of home & memory.
Music remixed in collaboration with Rosie G.
Performed for Movement Research Fall Festival, Danspace Project, New York
Referencing Yukio Mishima’s novel “Confessions of a Mask,” the mode of diary storytelling is adopted to reveal the performances of the everyday. Excerpts from fieldwork diary during Bacolod's MassKara festival & public confessions from community survivors of sexual violence (posted on She/Her/I’s #DearDiary) are re-read aloud as parallel inner worlds processing experiences of emotional turmoil through text. Within purview of cultural spectacle performing colorful fantasies of masked happiness, becoming in/visible in degrees of opacity, transparency & accountability, plural confessional voices come to speak on one’s agency to tell their own stories behind the seen.
Created in collaboration with Stay Wild Moon Child's eMotion Archives workshop at Figure 8 Dance
Performed at Orange Project, Bacolod, Negros, Philippines
Trash is a material consequence of the ritual function of forgetting in a capitalist society that erasure to accommodate for its everyday excess. But records of memory without the home of a body still survive. Because as always, all that is thrown away, that is forgotten, will still return. The mythical mermaid crashes on the shore of the Island of Capital, swimming in time, finding the bones of its ancestors, helping tell her people’s story.
Conjured for Public Performance Art Fellowship 2017 with Betty's Daughter Arts Collaborative in NYC
Performed at Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics

A series of solo movement practices exploring inner worlds in public & private spaces [Central Park, NYC (2017) / Tokyo, Japan (2018) / Columbus Park, NYC (2019) / Bantayan Island, Philippines (2020)]. Processing through butoh dance and played along a soundtrack of mouth harp, a language in the body and tongue communicate traumas and transient states beyond the spoken word.
(from top left to bottom right)
Writhing A Language I: Rock Formation
Writhing A Language II: Bird Songs
Writhing A Language III: Beetlejuice
Writhing A Language IV: Moth Wings